Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Valentine's Day

I have to admit I LOVE Valentine's Day. I know this holiday is up for debate by most people but I can't help but love it. I know there is the argument (among many) that you should love your spouse or significant other everyday not just on this holiday, and I agree yes you should. But, I'm not always good at that. Don't get me wrong, I love Ronny everyday but I don't always show it. Things/life/kids/work/responsibilities seem to sometimes get in the way. I will say, since we have had Mason, Valentine's has taken on a new meaning to me. Now, I don't just celebrate it with the love I have for Ronny but I try to include my whole family and show them they are loved. Ronny teases me because I refer to it as the 'Day of Love'. 

For Valentine's, Mason's MDO has a teddy bear parade. The kids get to decorate shoe boxes or wagons and pull their favorite stuffed animal through a fun obstacle course. Mason had a blast. It was so much fun watching all the little kids pull their wagons while riding tricycles. Mason also helped me make little Valentine treats for all the kids in his class. 

We also made Ronny's gift. It's not not the best by any means. I think I bit off more than I could chew. Trying to get a 10 month old to hold still and get her foot print and hand print is not easy. Mason was a little easier but he kept wanting to put multiple prints every where, including on himself. Ronny loved it and hung it in his office at work. Mason and I also made Ronny is favorite cookies and had them waiting for him when he got home.

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