Tuesday, November 29, 2011

It's looking a lot like Christmas here!

I love decorating for Christmas. This year it seems even more fun because Mason is actually understanding what's going on. We put the tree up while he was at MDO and had his tree waiting for him when he got home for him to decorate. That tradition, the two trees one, started last year. All he wanted to do was play with the tree and all the ornaments on it, most of them being breakable. So, I bought a 3 foot tree and gathered up all the cartoon/plush/non breakable ornaments and let him decorate his tree. He would spend countless hours taking them off and playing with them then putting them all back on. I wasn't sure he would even remember but this year when he walked through the door his tree was the first thing he saw. He ran over to it and screamed 'My tree!'. He started pulling out the ornaments and putting them on the tree. Now, both trees have been named 'My tree' and 'Momma's tree'. And, I have to say, little hands have stayed away from the big tree. Even Madison seems more interested in the little tree!

And it wouldn't be complete without Mason's manger. He loves Baby Jesus and Jesus' Mommy! I put it on the bottom shelf and he will sit there and talk to them and play with them constantly. He even lets Madison play with the animals when she comes over. Watching them play melts my heart!

Monday, November 28, 2011

Catching Up

Things have been crazy around here so its been a while since I've blogged. Both kids were sick the week of Thanksgiving. I took Madison to the doctor and she had a ear infection, sinus infection and is teething! Needless to say we had a few sleepless nights last week. Thanksgiving we managed to make it to my uncle's house to celebrate. This is the first year Mason really enjoyed the food and was able to get outside and play football and basketball with all the big kids.

These pictures make me laugh, both balls are almost as big as he is!

I was able to get a few pictures of Madison. You can tell she wasn't feeling great.

This weekend we went to Florida to visit some friends. We had a blast! It really got me thinking about relationships and friendships. It is such a blessing to have people in your life that you can just pick right up as if you saw each other yesterday. It doesn't matter what the distance is or how long it has been since you've seen them it all just falls into place. I am so thankful for the friendships I have made!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Family of Four

Our first family picture as a family of 4!

We managed to get a few good pictures but of course we got a bunch of the expected ones too!

I LOVE her face!

This is typical Mason!

I love the ones that don't turn out almost as much as the ones that do!