Wednesday, April 11, 2012


Time, where does it all go? Things have been a little crazy here so I'm a little behind on updating.  

 Miss Madie turned one! We had a family party to celebrate. I can not believe my little girl is one. She weighs 19 lbs and 12 ounces and is 29 3/4 inches long. She is walking and babbling, and has 9 teeth with a few more on the way. Miss Madie is the most happy, smiley, easy going baby. 

We had a couple of Easter egg hunts. Mason really enjoyed Easter this year. He loved hunting for eggs and really got into talking about the Easter bunny. 

He even shared some eggs with his sister. He can be so sweet!

I wanted to get a picture of all of us at our neighborhood egg hunt but Mason would not stay still long enough to get one. He ran off to play with his friends.

It ended up raining on Easter so the Easter Bunny had to hide our eggs inside. 

My family. I love the smirk on Mason's face and the zoned out expression on Madison's face!