Saturday, December 31, 2011

A New Year

Is it really already time for a new year?!? It seems like 2011 flew by! This was a big year in so many ways. 

Ronny still really enjoys his job and what he's doing. He loves his staff and has a great group of people working with him. I have stayed busy getting us settled into the house. I also learned how to take care of two kids. I'm now out numbered during the day :) Mason entered the fun and trying twos. He still really enjoys his Mother's Day Out and his new Sunday School Class. Madison was born in March and has kept me on my toes. She is pulling up on things and any day now will take off walking.

I can not wait to see what 2012 brings us! Mason turns three in a couple weeks and Madison will be one. Where has the time gone? We have a couple trips planned and have some friends making their way to see us. It's so funny to think about when I was younger, time seemed to drag by so slow. I couldn't wait to 'be older'. Now that I'm older I want time to slow down. I stop and think about how fast my kids are growing up and it seem like just a couple years ago I got married but it was actually 12 ( in May).

I have a few New Year's Resolutions this year but the most important one is to not take for granted time. To spend more 'meaningful time' with my children. To cherish the ages and phases of my kids. (I'm struggling with that one right now.....potty training Mason) To make time for my husband that doesn't involve chores around the house or for the house. Mainly, to make memories my kids will take with them.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Vacation

This week has been a fast paced, jam packed, week full of fun. Ronny has been on vacation all week and we spent the week getting ready for Christmas and spending time with the kids. We started the week off by taking the kids to the North Pole Express. Madison was so good. She sat in my lap the whole time and just looked around and watched all the kids. Mason's favorite part was getting his ticket punched. Every time someone walked by him he wanted them to punch his ticket. He enjoyed getting his bell from Santa and he rang it from the moment he got it until we got home. That is a long time people! :) It was too cold to wear their pajamas that day but Mason didn't even care.

We managed to squeeze in a lunch at Mason's favorite place, McDonald's.

My sister was also off this week. We got to spend some time together shopping and hanging out. The kids have really enjoyed playing with their Jen Jen!

One night, we got the kids bathed and into their pajamas early and took them to Prairie Lights to see all the lights.

Another night we let Mason make a ginger bread house. He decorated it all by himself with little help from us. For every piece of candy that went on his house two went into his mouth. This was our first ginger bread house to ever make, and it's obvious. But, he had fun!

We also took Mason the Ice exhibit at the Gaylord Texan. His favorite part of that was the ice slide and all the trains.

Ronny and I also managed to squeeze in a few date nights and a wrapping party after the kids went to bed. We have really enjoyed having daddy home and spending time together.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Just ONE good picture.......

These days trying to get my two little monkeys to hold still to take a picture is like pulling teeth. All I want is one good picture with both kids at least sitting still, maybe even looking in the direction of the camera, and maybe even a little smile. Tonight I wanted to get a recent picture of the kids. I sat them in the usual chair and snapped away. I got a few of them sitting still, a couple of them looking at the camera and even a few with a smile but never all at the same time.

Although, I didn't get one good picture I did get 5 fun pictures. They were cracking me up! Mason would just move and Madison would laugh hysterically. I have to admit, these pictures fit their personalities more than my good picture would.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Santa Visit

Mason's conversation with Santa, "Santa, I NEED more cars, I NEED a choo-choo, I NEED a bick (bike), and Santa my baby NEEDS a momma." I'm not sure if he was trying to give Madison away or I wasn't her mom that day. :)

Sunday, December 4, 2011


I love Christmas for many reasons, one of them being the traditions. A few years after I got married my mom, sister and I would get together every year to bake cookies. What started out as 4 or 5 different kinds has now grown to about 19 different kinds of cookies. Let me just clarify, not dozen but kinds. Many of them we make multiple dozens. That being said it is about a 2 day process of non stop baking. But, when we are done we have an assortment of goodies that we divide between the three of us and pass out as gifts during the holidays. I usually make a tin for Mason's teachers and Ronny takes a few to work. This year I have a total of 11 tins we are going to pass out. It is a lot of work and I'm not that fond of baking. I do it if I have to but it's not something I necessarily enjoy and look forward to. I do however, enjoy the time I spend with my mom and sister. We laugh and talk and enjoy each others company. That is the part I look forward to each year. It helps people get excited about their tin of cookies too :) But, more than anything it is the memories I have of the three of us spending time together. I look forward to the day I get to include Madison. I hope this is a tradition that keeps going.

I had to add this picture. They were all dressed up to go to Mason's Christmas Program at church. I love these guys!!